I love a good story. Especially when it has a happy ending. About now, with all that is going on in the world, there is such a spirit of heaviness all around, that the time to be reminded of Adonai's sovereignty could not be more timely. I don't know about you, but the feeling of heaviness, doom and gloom is palpable in the world. Now, I am a "doomer" and enjoy prophecy so I tend to immerse myself in world events to the point of (perhaps) being out of balance. Yet, we are commanded to be watchful and discern the times. It seems prophecy is being fulfilled at break neck speed lately! It takes all I have to keep up, and often I think, this is so surreal, someone needs to pinch me.
Amidst all the upheaval, the birth pangs, the earth's very axis being upset, the roaring of the seas, there is also a longing, intensifying in every part of my being to be restored to my homeland, Israel and to my King, Yeshua. Nearing the climax of our story in history and as the tension builds, all I want is resolve! Ah, perfect timing Adonai! Purim is upon us and it is time to celebrate that He is still (always!) on the throne and He has a plan for each one that is called and chosen by name during this time of sorrows we find ourselves in.
I love the story of Esther (Hadassah). Her very name means "something hidden to be revealed". The Hebrew spelling of Esther contains the word "satar" = to conceal. She certainly was concealed and hidden as a Jew until after a 3 day fast (this revealing of things on the 3rd day is a biblical theme by the way, pretty consistent throughout scripture) in which she then went before the King and revealed her true identity, leading to the salvation of the Jewish people. "It is the glory of YHWH to conceal a matter and the honor of kings to search it out." (Prov 25:2) Did you know that our Creator loves to conceal things, just for us to search them out as treasures to be found and discovered? He is masterful at orchestrating events for the purpose of deliverance. The good news is, He hasn't changed!
The story of Esther reminds me of the story of Joseph and of Moses. Joseph did not reveal himself to his brothers until the 3rd time they appeared before him (there is the principle of the 3rd day again). All three were hidden in their true identity, chosen for such a time until the time came for them to reveal themselves and serve Adonai's purposes in being an instrument of deliverance! In all three cases, the purpose of being hidden was so that all Israel might be saved. From the very beginning haSatan has been trying to extinguish the line of the seed of the woman which would bring Yeshua the Messiah to us. It is also interesting that in all these cases, Esther, Joseph and Moses, there was a life and death situation, a time of great trouble.
We have a new Haman rising, not yet revealed, but surely behind the scenes at this time in history. I am speaking of the antiMessiah. We are also, if we count from the time of Yeshua the Messiah, on the cusp of the THIRD DAY! It has been over 2000 years since Messiah was here on earth. In scripture, we know that a day is as a thousand years, therefore 2000 years would be considered as 2 days. We are in the 3rd day! Does that excite you like it does me? The question is, is this our time? Is it time to come out of hiding and reveal who we really are? Are we part of Adonai's plan to be His servants and deliver those in bondage who are sentenced to death? I would answer an AMEN to these questions!
Haman (say "boo" here), an Amalekite, and the villain of the story who was trying to eradicate and kill all the Jews with his decree, was of the lineage of Esau. If you know your Bible history, you understand the significance here. Esau was not part of the seed of the promise, even though he was of the physical seed of Isaac, just as Ishmael was of Abraham. I have heard also that it is possible to trace the lineage of the nazi regime to Amalek. I can't substantiate that, but it would not surprise me at all. Truly there is nothing new under the sun. The same enemies keep battling and the story of Esther reminds us of that.
There is a very convicting part of the story for me. Many years before the story of Esther took place, King Saul let King Agag, the Amalekite live, which was in direct disobedience to Elohim's command. The consequence of this act came back to rear it's ugly head years later in Haman being part of that seed or lineage. Here comes the lesson. When we don't take our sin seriously and obey the commands of Adonai, they can, years later, rear their ugly heads in the form of generational sins and curses and all kinds of unpleasantries. I see this as a major Bible theme woven throughout scripture. This story provides a warning as we see the result of not taking His Word seriously enough to obey all of it, without any creative editing. King Saul, when confronted in his disobedient state by the prophet Samuel had the audacity to say he was being obedient, when he really wasn't. His definition of obedience certainly was different than Yahweh's.
Mordecai's response to this edict of Haman's was repentance as he realized it was due to the failings and consequences of the Jewish people, namely King Saul. Exposing Haman could be symbolic of exposing sin. Yeshua triumphs over sin and death and once sin (Haman) was put to death, the Holy Spirit (Mordecai) is given authority to command. Oh, isn't that true in our own lives? When we die to self and sin and put our flesh on that cross with Yeshua, the Ruach HaKodesh can now take over. Interesting as well, that the Jews were again delivered on the 17th of Nisan, which is Firstfruits, the same day that deliverance for the Israelites in Egypt began and the same day Yeshua arose! Isn't Elohim amazing? Proof He keeps a calendar, right there!
Purim, which is the celebration of Elohim's deliverance in the story of Esther is March 19-20, in a few days. I am so looking forward to this time of celebration! This will be my first time formally celebrating this event of deliverance, attending a play and oneg (food and fellowship time). All of the times Yahweh delivered His people are worth celebrating and I can't think of a better time in history to be reminded that He is always in control and has a plan for deliverance, even in the bleakest of situations. Thank you for the reminder Yeshua! You always know just what I need right when I need it.
So there is your happy ending!
Happy Purim my friends!
This blog was created as a means to share my journey walking the narrow road of following Yeshua(Jesus)the Messiah. As a believer who has recently been compelled to embrace my Hebrew roots, it has been an incredible season of learning, growing and hearing from Adonai. I believe the time is short. Adonai is calling His people to stand on the pure Word of Elohim, undiluted and undefiled and shed the traditions of men that hinder our walk with Him. I hope you are blessed!
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Monday, March 14, 2011
Esther - A Much Needed Reminder of His Deliverance and Sovereignity
Third Day
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